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Google Ads Terminology

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0:01 – Having covered the fundamentals of Google Ads, let’s dive into some key terms used in creating and managing a Google Ads campaign.

0:12 – The first term is ‘Cost Per Click’ (CPC). This is the amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. The cost varies depending on the target audience, such as $1 for a buyer or up to $50 for a cash offer.

0:28 – Remember, this cost applies per click, regardless of whether the click leads to a conversion.

0:36 – ‘Click-Through Rate’ (CTR) is another important metric. It’s the percentage of people who click on your ad divided by the number of times your ad is seen (impressions), then multiplied by 100. A higher CTR indicates better ad performance.

1:01 – An ‘impression’ is counted each time your ad is displayed, whether or not it’s clicked.

1:10 – ‘Quality Score’ evaluates the effectiveness of your keywords and PPC ads, influenced by CTR, ad copy, landing page, and relevancy.

1:22 – ‘Conversion Rate’ measures the percentage of people who click on your ad and then complete an action, like filling out a form. It’s calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of clicks, then multiplied by 100.

1:55 – ‘Keywords’ are the terms people type in that trigger your ad.

2:07 – A ‘Bid’ is the amount you’re willing to pay for each click.

2:07 – ‘Campaign’ refers to the highest level of organization within your Google Ads, where you can set targets like locations, goals, and bidding strategies.

2:19 – Within each campaign are ‘Ad Groups’, which focus on specific themes around your keywords and ad copy.

2:29 – A ‘Landing Page’ is where you direct traffic from your ads. For instance, a page showcasing Vancouver penthouses for sale, aiming to convert visitors into leads.

2:47 – We’ve now covered the basics of Google Ads, including its importance, key components, and essential terminology.

2:58 – Next, we’ll move on to the exciting part: building our Google Ads campaign.


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