By Phil
Sep. 25. 2024

real estate ppc online advertising

One of the most effective and powerful tools to help today’s real estate agents capture attention is PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising. PPC allows realtors to place ads on platforms like Google, Facebook, or Bing, only paying when potential buyers or sellers click on their ads. This model ensures that marketing dollars are spent efficiently, attracting users who are actively searching for properties or related services.

PPC campaigns offer numerous benefits to your growing real estate business. They drive highly targeted traffic to property listings, real estate websites, or landing pages, increasing the likelihood of generating quality leads. Unlike organic strategies that take time to develop, PPC offers immediate visibility, allowing agents to quickly connect with prospects searching for homes in specific locations. With customizable ads that can target users by location, behavior, and keywords, PPC helps agents maximize their advertising reach and close more deals.

PPC Leads in Real Estate

When it comes to real estate PPC advertising, the leads you attract will vary in their immediate needs. Some might be ready to buy or sell a property right away, while others are in the midst of researching, with plans to make a move in a year or even helping a friend find a new home. The diversity of leads means not every click will result in a quick deal, but it opens the door to building a pipeline of future prospects.

The quality of these leads can also shift depending on how you follow up. A skilled real estate agent knows that even a “just-looking” lead can be turned into a serious buyer with the right approach. Many people hesitate to speak with an agent because they’re not ready to make a decision yet, but if you demonstrate your value—by offering market insights, understanding their needs, or providing tailored solutions—you’ll often discover that they are closer to buying or selling than they first appeared.

As with any marketing strategy, the success of your PPC efforts improves over time. The longer you invest in and refine your PPC campaigns, the better the results will be. By analyzing your ad performance, adjusting targeting, and honing your follow-up processes, you’ll consistently generate higher-quality leads and convert more prospects into clients.

Tips To Improve Your Real Estate PPC Advertising

1. Understand Your Target Audience

One of the most important steps in running a successful PPC campaign is defining your target audience. Knowing exactly who you’re trying to reach allows you to craft ad campaigns that resonate with potential buyers and sellers. By understanding the phrases they’re likely to search for and the pain points they face, you can create more relevant ads and choose better keywords. Without a clear audience in mind, your campaign risks missing the mark, leading to wasted ad spend and fewer quality leads.

Demographics, behaviors, and interests are key factors in shaping effective PPC campaigns. For instance, if a significant portion of your market consists of out-of-state buyers, consider running targeted ads focused on relocation. A real estate agent in Texas might see success by creating ads specifically aimed at people moving from California, highlighting what makes Texas an attractive option for them.

Knowing local nuances can make your ads more relatable. If certain areas in your market have a nickname versus the official neighborhood name, using that language in your ad copy or keywords could make your ads feel more familiar and approachable to local prospects. This level of personalization can lead to higher engagement and ultimately more conversions.

ppc real estate

2. Choose the Right Keywords

Keywords are the terms potential clients type into search engines when they’re looking for properties or services. Your goal is to select keywords that are both relevant and have a good search volume, all while maintaining a cost-effective cost-per-click (CPC).

Keyword research is key to understanding what terms will generate traffic at a reasonable cost. While it’s tempting to focus on keywords you think people are using, conducting proper research can reveal what terms are actually being searched. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, Semrush, and Ahrefs are excellent for assessing search volumes, keyword competition, and CPC estimates.

It’s important not to get too caught up in high-traffic terms if they don’t bring relevant leads. Long-tail keywords like “luxury homes in Jacksonville” might have a lower search volume but can attract more qualified traffic, leading to better conversion rates.

3. Leverage Campaign Location Targeting

You can reach potential clients in the specific areas where you operate by leveraging location-based targeting. Google Ads offers this more specific campaign option, enabling you to display your ads to people in a particular city, neighborhood, or even within a custom radius. This is essential for real estate agents who want to focus their budget on audiences that are most likely to convert into leads or clients.

For example, if you specialize in selling homes in Michigan, targeting local audiences ensures that your ads reach the right people. If your campaign is being shown to users in California, where you don’t operate, it could waste your budget and hurt your ROI. By localizing your ads, you improve their relevance and effectiveness.

However, location targeting isn’t limited to local markets. You can also expand your reach to target potential buyers from other states or regions. If you work in a vacation or second-home market, for instance, and know that many of your buyers come from New York, you could tailor your ads to target that out-of-state audience. This kind of strategic targeting allows your ad copy to resonate with the right audience, increasing the chances of attracting serious leads.

By refining your geographic targeting, you not only increase ROI but also ensure compliance with Google’s fair housing policy, which prohibits discriminatory ad targeting based on certain criteria. Keeping your ads both effective and compliant is key to long-term success.

4. Create Compelling Ad Copy

The right ad copy helps attract the ideal audience while deterring those who aren’t a good fit, ultimately saving you time and money. Here are some key strategies to create effective ad copy for real estate PPC ads:

  1. Write Clear Headlines: A headline should quickly communicate what the ad offers. For example, a headline like “Homes for Sale in Dallas, TX” clearly tells the searcher what they’ll find when they click the ad. This clarity increases the likelihood of attracting the right prospects.
  2. Incorporate Keywords: Using relevant keywords in your headline and description will help your ad align with what potential clients are searching for. When people see their search terms reflected in the ad, it resonates more, making them more likely to click.
  3. Utilize Description Space: Search engines like Google and Bing provide ample space to craft descriptions—make full use of it! Write unique, informative descriptions that highlight what sets your services apart. Detailed descriptions build trust and set expectations for what happens after someone clicks your ad.
  4. A/B Test Ad Variations: Create multiple versions of your ads with different headlines and descriptions to see which performs better. This will help you optimize your copy over time, ensuring that you’re always using the most effective language.
  5. Use Action-Oriented Language: Encourage clicks with strong, action-based wording. Phrases like “Instant Access” or “Browse All Available Homes” create a sense of urgency and invite the viewer to take immediate action. This approach often leads to higher engagement and conversion rates.

By refining your ad copy with these tips, you’ll stand out from the competition and draw in more qualified leads, ultimately boosting your PPC performance.

real estate ppc

5. Utilize Ad Extensions to Enhance Visibility

When it comes to PPC for realtors, ad extensions are not to be overlooked. This handy tool allows you to add valuable details and increase the visibility and engagement of your ads. These elements can include additional links, contact information, or images, giving users more reasons to click and interact with your ad.

One of the major advantages of ad extensions is the increased ad space. The more real estate your ad takes up, the more likely it is to capture attention. For instance, contact details like phone numbers or business locations make it easy for potential clients to get in touch directly, especially if they’re looking for immediate assistance.

Ad extensions also allow you to target specific audiences more effectively. Price extensions can showcase homes within certain price ranges, helping filter out searchers who are not in your target market. This helps ensure that clicks come from users who are more likely to convert into leads, as they know exactly what they’ll see before clicking.

Image extensions can further boost engagement by adding visual elements to your ad, such as photos of homes or neighborhoods you’re selling in. These images make your ad more eye-catching and can increase click-through rates (CTR) as users are drawn to the visuals.

Sitelink extensions offer extra links below your main ad, directing users to specific pages on your website, like a “Meet the Team” page or a “Home Evaluation Tool.” These extensions increase your ad’s visibility and CTR, giving users more opportunities to explore your services.

6. Optimize Landing Pages for Conversions

Your landing pages should seamlessly align with your ad campaigns, ensuring that users have a smooth transition from clicking the ad to arriving on the page. This consistency enhances the user experience and significantly boosts your chances of converting visitors into leads.

Key Points for Optimizing Landing Pages:

  1. Tailored and Cohesive Experience: Make sure the messaging, images, and overall design of the landing page reflect the ad they clicked on. If the ad promises “Homes for Sale in Dallas, TX,” the landing page should immediately show those listings to avoid any disconnect.
  2. Visually Appealing and Mobile-Friendly Design: A visually attractive page can make users stay longer, while mobile-friendly design is essential since a large percentage of PPC clicks come from mobile devices. Ensure the layout is responsive and easy to navigate across all devices.
  3. Lead Capture Focus: Your landing pages should be designed to collect essential contact information. For most real estate PPC campaigns, this happens through lead capture forms that appear when a visitor clicks on a property. The goal is to get people to fill out these forms and input their details into your CRM for further nurturing.
  4. Streamlined Conversion Path: The simpler and more intuitive the landing page, the better. Minimize distractions by ensuring that the call to action (CTA) is clear and focused, whether it’s creating an account or requesting more property details.
  5. Handling Incomplete Lead Data: Not all leads will provide complete or accurate information, especially when using forced lead capture. This is common, and while some users may input fake information, the main objective is to bring potential clients to the landing page and into your pipeline.
  6. Good Website Infrastructure: Before running PPC campaigns, ensure your website is fully functional and optimized for lead capture. This includes having proper tracking in place, easy navigation, and quick loading times. Without a strong foundation, your PPC efforts won’t yield the best results.

By optimizing landing pages for conversions, you maximize the effectiveness of your PPC efforts, improve user experience, and drive more valuable leads into your sales funnel.

ppc real estate

7. Implement Retargeting Strategies

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is an effective advertising strategy that focuses on reconnecting with users who have previously interacted with your website or ads but did not complete a desired action, such as filling out a contact form or scheduling a viewing. If you’re running a Google Ad, the program places a cookie on the browsers of visitors to your website, allowing you to display targeted ads to them as they browse other sites within the Google Display Network.

For real estate PPC campaigns, retargeting is crucial because it addresses the long decision-making process typical of property purchases. Buyers often spend considerable time researching and considering their options before making a decision. By utilizing retargeting, you can maintain visibility with potential clients who are already familiar with your brand, keeping your listings and services top-of-mind.

Retargeting offers several key benefits to the success of your campaign:

  • Keeps your brand top-of-mind to prospective buyers and sellers
  • Encourages return visits from those who have previously checked out your page
  • Engage past visitors even if they haven’t signed up and are further out in the buying cycle
  • Nurtures leads by keeping a connection and hopefully converting in the future
  • Optimizes ad spend by revisiting previous potential clients

8. Monitor and Adjust Campaign Performance

Continuously keeping an eye on key metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost-per-conversion is essential to ensure your campaign is performing well. The balance between cost-per-conversion and lead quality is particularly important. While you may aim to lower your cost-per-conversion, it’s crucial to ensure that the leads you’re generating are of high quality and align with your ad spend. If lead quality does not meet your expectations, it can affect your overall return on investment (ROI), even if your cost-per-conversion is low.

To manage this balance effectively, monitor incoming leads through your CRM and analyze their sources. Pay attention to which keywords or geographical areas are driving traffic to your website and how these leads align with your expectations. For example, ensure you are attracting a diverse range of leads from various cities, zip codes, and neighborhoods, and that these leads match different property specifications like single-family homes, luxury properties, or homes with pools. This variety helps you refine your approach and find the most effective strategies for your campaign.

Regularly evaluate the performance of your keywords. Identify which keywords are driving successful ad performance and which ones are generating high costs with minimal results. Based on this analysis, adjust your budgets to allocate more resources toward the ads and campaigns that provide the best ROI.

Reaping the full benefits of a successful real estate PPC advertising campaign involves a blend of strategic planning, continuous optimization, and expert guidance. By implementing the eight essential tips outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to attracting high-quality leads and achieving a substantial return on investment. Remember, the landscape of PPC advertising is ever-evolving and staying ahead requires regular adjustments and informed decisions. Partnering with Asterisk can provide the specialized support you need to elevate your campaigns and realize your business goals. Embrace these insights, seek expert help, and watch as your real estate PPC efforts transform into a powerful tool for growth and success.