Take your business to the next level!

Take your real estate business to the next level with marketing tips straight to your inbox!

    Online advertising is a great way to generate a substantial amount of leads for your real estate business. Whether it be through a Pay-Per-Click approach or other forms of digital advertising and marketing, a well-formulated campaign can produce a steady flow of leads - but, at the end of the day, a lead is just a lead! That is until [enter your name here], agent extraordinaire, comes along and converts that lead into a sale. Sounds simple, right? Well, believe it or not, this is where many agents struggle, unsure of how to effectively take that lead, or in some
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    Google My Business Real Estate Agents
    At one point or another, we’ve all come across a Google My Business Page. Whether looking for the closest pizza place, researching best places to order flowers, or in your case “realtors nearby”, a Google My Business Page has become a staple feature for any local credible business. So what is a Google My Business Page? Simply put, a Google My Business Page is an online tool that helps searchers local businesses in their specific area which is relevant to their search. Think of it as a digital version of the yellow pages found in your grandmother’s phone book.  So
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    When you are running any online lead generation and have the Facebook login option enabled in your lead capture, you are bound to run into leads who do not fill in their phone number. Some of you may have a system for dealing with these leads, while others don't know where to start. There is good news, I (or more accurately, Al Lewis) is here to help! In this video, Al goes through his exact process of gettiing his leads, who don't put in their number, to come back to his website and fill in the rest of their information. With this
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    Real Geeks Buyer Workflow
    If you are generating leads to your Real Geek's website, then you need a drip campaign! Of course nothing can replace calling the leads, but this workflow will ensure no one falls through the cracks. +3 minutes (text) Message: Hi {{FIRST_NAME}}, thanks for finding me online! I want to send you properties that match what you're looking for. What price range and area should I send? - {{AGENT_NAME}} +2 minutes (text) Message: Do you have a minute to answer 2 - 3 questions regarding your property search? I want to make sure you only get listings that suit your needs!
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